Salem Al-Jarwan's migration
By: Mohammed bin Salman bin Jarad al-Jarwan
During the Ottoman rule, the Arabian Peninsula and the Arab world in general suffered from chaos, injustice and poverty, as the tribal atmosphere charged with conflicts, invasion, pillage, looting and tribal feuds prevailed in the Arabian Peninsula, and in this turbulent atmosphere, Salem bin Ali Al-Jarwan grew up with his brothers and his cousins of Gashum Al-Hablan in and around the area of Al Mithnab, in an atmosphere of conflict and fighting between Anizah, Mutair, Harb, Shammar and Al-Dhafir. This atmosphere and what preceded it paved the way for a major battle called (Manakh Kir), which took place around the middle of the eighteenth century AD, as a result of which Sheikh Jedi’a bin Hathal (nicknamed Ra’i al-Hasan) was wounded by a rival from the Dahamsha called Dahir al-Shalikhi, so one of Mutair’s knights named Masoud al-Buraisi (nicknamed Hussein Iblis) seized the opportunity and killed Sheikh Jedi’a bin Hathal.

With the death of Sheikh Jedi’a, the knight of Najd (Ra’i al-Hasan), the Anizah tribe lost its largest and most famous knight, especially since his brother Mugheilith had been killed at the beginning of the battle, thus weakening the position of the Anizah tribe after the killing of its sheikh and his brother, which resulted in a state of chaos, settling accounts and vendettas that led to the death of many innocent people.
In these difficult circumstances, Al-Hamidi bin Hathal appointed himself as the sheikh of the Anizah tribe, succeeding Sheikh Jedi’a, which led to blocs and alignment among his cousins, and as a result of these blocs, a fierce battle called (Kunat Al-Maraba), whose parties were Zaid bin Mugheilith bin Hathal and his cousin Mazied bin Muhalhal bin Hathal, and as a result of Kunat Al-Maraba, the two warring parties, Zaid and Mazied, were killed, thus confirming the chiefdom for their uncle, Al-Hamidi bin Hathal.
As a result of these accelerated events and the preceding turmoil, which led to the killing of large numbers of cousins from Hablan and other clans, many wise men from Hablan distanced themselves from this tragic atmosphere by moving away and migrating to Iraq and the Levant, which were more stable and safe than the Najd regions, in addition to the abundance of pastures and the availability of water sources. Among those who migrated because of these conditions were our grandfather Salem bin Ali Al-Jarwan and his brothers Suleiman, Saif and others. Salem Al-Jarwan and his brothers headed to northern Jordan, and during the march, Suleiman bin Ali Al-Jarwan died in the Al-Ruwaished area, and Salem Al-Jarwan continued his migration towards Palestine, aiming for Gaza, while his brother Saif headed to the Nukhaib and Habariya region in Iraq (Mesopotamia). Thus, we see that these conditions experienced by the Anizah tribe and other tribes led to the displacement of many clans in search of security, safety, pasture and water, and Salem Al-Jarwan and his brothers are an example of these forced migrations
Muhammad bin Salman bin Jarad bin Abu Ghalyoun Al-Jarwan, a blogger, genealogist and historian born in 1953, finished high school from Al-Hussein College 1972 and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Beirut Arab University. He worked in the private sector in both Saudi Arabia and Jordan, as well as working in the Jordanian Electricity Company, and he is one of the elders of the clan and those who have sweated the days and years with patience and sacrifice for the advancement of his clan and his country, with intellect, knowledge and wide interest in tribal affairs and genealogy.